Aerosmith em Sampa - IMAGEM R7 - Veja a Galeria de Fotos - Clique na Imagem

Fãs do AEROSMITH o BLOG agradece as visitas e garimpa três vídeos legais dos shows de SAMPA, confiram a abertura com EAT THE RICH (By Thiago Matheuz, JADED (By Anna Motta) , DREAM ON (By Murilo Coelho) além do Tradicional SET LIST do Show.

SET LIST SAMPA – 29/Set/2010

  1. Eat The Rich,
  2. Back in the Saddle,
  3. Love in an Elevator,
  4. Falling in Love (is Hard on the Knees),
  5. Pink,
  6. Dream On,
  7. Livin’ on the Edge,
  8. Jaded,
  9. Kings And Queens,
  10. Crazy,
  11. Cryin’ ,
  12. Lord Of The Thighs,
  13. Joe Perry Guitar Solo,
  14. Stop Messin’ Around (Fleetwood Mac),
  15. What It Takes,
  16. Sweet Emotion,
  17. Baby – Please Don’t Go (Big Joe Williams),
  18. Draw the Line
  19. BIS,
  20. Walk This Way,
  21. Toys in the Attic


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